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The Mighty Jack Russell Terror - uh Terrier

The Mighty Jack Russell Terror – uh, Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier is a dog breed that is not for dog owners that are faint of heart. They are very strong for their short stature, stubborn, unbelievable fast, aggressively protective of the same children they are apt to nip and will try to single-handedly strip their home area of any wildlife population.

The Jack Russell (usually) is not a lap dog and requires a firm hand and formal training in order to be a happy, well-adjusted, socially acceptable dog. They become bored easily, and can quickly become destructive if left to their own devices for long periods of time.

Inside they will dig holes in your couch, outside they will dig holes in your flower beds. You may see your Jack looking attentively at the ground for some minutes, and then start digging frantically. When he comes up for air he will probably have a mole or other rodent in his mouth which he will immediately kill.

These dogs were bred to hunt burrowing animals, and the instinct is undeniable. They make excellent workers in rural areas, keeping land clear of snakes, skunks, field rats, opossums, and even coyotes.

My best-loved Jack left the yard one night hanging from a coyote’s throat. I was sure she would be killed and was frantic. She was home in 10 minutes without a scratch. The coyote did not get a chicken dinner that night – at least not from my flock.

The mighty Jack Russell will fight to the death to save his “people” and has been in the news for saving (and dying for) children who were complete strangers.

Their fierce loyalty, trust, and intelligence have made them a very popular pet. But many Jacks wind up in shelters because of owners who don’t take the time to learn about the breed, and how to handle their inborn traits

The Jack Russell comes in a variety of colors, coats, heights, and builds, but to meet breed standards they must be 60 percent white. The one common denominator among them all is spirit. It is this spirit and personality that has made them one of the most beloved dog breeds, and their popularity grows as more people get to know them.

These wonderful dogs require lots of exercise and training. They train easily, but what is most amazing are the things they learn to do on their own. They are an excellent dog to take hiking and they love to go swimming.

Jacks also take great joy in having work to do. My "Keela" knows when it is time to herd the chickens back to their house and if I'm late she starts alone.

These dogs are a joy for owners who understand the breed and accept them for who they are. Please read, research, and think about your lifestyle and what you can offer an energetic dog before you adopt or buy a Jack Russell Terrier. They deserve it